Chris Bailie and Gemma Weir

WP North Belfast party reps Chris Bailie and Gemma Weir show their solidarity

Workers Party North Belfast representatives Gemma Weir and Chris Bailie braved the cold this week to call with Party members and supporters in the Kansas Avenue / Cedar Avenue area of North Belfast encouraging them to support the ‘People’s NHSni’ campaign.

The People’s NHSni is a community campaign to stop the privatisation of the NHS.

One of the immediate threats to the future of our health service is TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ), a new EU trade deal with the United States . Under this proposed agreement many health and social care services could be sold off to American companies.

Under the agreement, once sold off those services could not be returned to public ownership- even if there was change of government. In fact the agreement makes provision for American companies to sue the government if it attempts to recover privatised services.


The Workers’ Party recently issued the following statement on the necessity of defeating TTIP: