The Communist Party of Greece has sent the following message.

To the Workers Party of Ireland


Dear comrades,

The KKE expresses its solidarity with and full support to the Workers Party of Ireland (WPI) regarding the assembly elections in Northern Ireland, which will be held on the 5th of May.

The WPI is participating in these elections with its own candidates and is exposing the anti-people plans being advanced in this period by the political forces that serve the business groups. It is the force that struggles against the anti-people political line supported by the parties of bourgeois management, the DUP, UUP, Sinn Fein, the SDLP etc. The coalition government in Northern Ireland has faithfully implemented the anti-people directions of the British government and EU that attack the rights and the income of the workers and promote privatizations in order to serve the profitability of the monopolies. Sinn Fein, a party like SYRIZA, i.e. new style social-democracy, has also demonstrated its form as regards the implementation of the anti-people political line through its participation in this government in Northern Ireland and has compromised with the EU, which is a union of capital. SYRIZA in Greece and its government are advancing a series of barbaric anti-worker measures, including the demolition of the social-security system and the savage tax measures that strike against the working class and popular strata while big capital enjoys new privileges and tax exemptions.

The WPI is the force that opposes this political line and the strategy of capital. It struggles for a way out of the capitalist crisis in favour of the people. The WPI exposes the anti-people character of the EU, struggles against the political line that is destroying labour and social security rights, which is keeping the salaries and pensions at low levels and has transformed healthcare into a commodity. It exposes the dirty games and mechanisms that are utilized to divide the working class and to turn catholic and protestant workers against each other so that capital’s policies can be implemented.

The strengthening of the WPI will lend strength to the Irish people and contribute to the militant orientation of the labour-people’s movement and assist the unity of working class forces, regardless of religious and national background, against the real opponent, the monopolies and their power. This is because it reveals the root cause of the people’s problems, which is none other than capitalism itself and highlights the necessity of the socialist perspective.

With comradely greetings,

International Relations Section of the CC 

Communist Party of Greece (KKE)