Statement of the Workers’ Party of Ireland on the Greek Elections

Following the recent election, the Workers’ Party of Ireland sends solidarity and congratulations to our comrades in the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). The increase in support for the KKE in difficult circumstances is a reflection of its consistent political, ideological and organisational work, its principled commitment to the people’s struggles and its advocacy of the emancipation of the working class and the construction of a socialist alternative to imperialism and capitalist exploitation.

As in Ireland, the working people of Greece have suffered greatly at the hands of the Troika and a corrupt native bourgeoisie. As in Ireland, public services have been devastated and living standards decimated to protect the interests of capital. As in Ireland, the solution to these problems lies in establishing a genuinely democratic society, where private ownership and exploitation are abolished and with political and economic power firmly in the hands of the working class.

By its very nature, the new SYRIZA-ANEL coalition does not and cannot seek the revolutionary transformation of Greek society necessary to liberate the people. The strengthening of the KKE as a result of its efforts during this election campaign is an important step forward in the struggle to defend the interests of the working people of Greece in the current circumstances, to weaken the bourgeois political system, to raise class consciousness for the battles ahead and to build a socialist future based on the abolition of capitalist relations of production and the complete transfer of power to the working class.

International Section

Central Executive Committee

Workers’ Party of Ireland