Dublin Central candidate calls for ‘safety zone’ around clinics to protect women from abuse

Workers’ Party Councillor Éilis Ryan today (Sunday February 7th) responded angrily to reports that a family planning clinic – Reproductive Choices on Berkeley Street in Dublin 7 – is to be targeted by anti-choice protestors from next Wednesday.  Cllr Ryan was commenting on a report in today’s Sunday Times that the clinic will be picketed as part of a worldwide campaign instigated by a Texas-based group which pickets Planned Parenthood clinics in America.

“The Eighth Amendment already imposes an intolerable burden on women facing a crisis pregnancy, who – if they can afford it – are forced to travel for a termination”.

“At least, since the X-case referendum,  women can access advice about their options at home.  Now, women seeking such advice – as well as women simply seeking contraceptive advice – are to be exposed to abuse and intimidation”.

“As news of this proposed picket spreads, I hope that public pressure will force this anti-choice group to abandon their plans.  In the event that the picket goes ahead, I would call on the Gardaí to establish a ‘safety zone’ around the clinic to protect women from abuse and vindicate their constitutional right to information about abortion”, Cllr Ryan said.