The Workers’ Party will hold its annual commemoration of Theobald Wolfe Tone at Bodenstown, County Kildare this Sunday afternoon (25 June).    The event will commence at 1.30pm and the party is asking members and supporters to gather at Bodenstown crossroads at 1.00pm.  All are welcome.

This year’s oration at the grave of Wolfe Tone will be delivered by Karen Collins (Mayfield branch, Cork) and will be chaired by Conor Campbell (Lower Falls branch, Belfast).

The Workers’ Party stresses that its annual commemoration of Wolfe Tone is not some mere ritual or some unthinking glorification of the past, but a meaningful event which relates the issues of today with the ideas and ideals of Tone and the Society of United Irishmen over two centuries ago.

“When the Workers’ Party looks back to 1791 we can still see the two key principles that marked Tone and the United Irishmen as both revolutionary and republican. In an era of deep sectarian division Tone called for the Unity of Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter, and equally stated that he placed his reliance on the “men of no property”. All those years ago Tone and the United Irishmen placed class, and opposition to sectarian division, at the centre of their programme. We are proud to follow in that tradition”.