Workers’ Party representative Jimmy Dignam has expressed the party’s solidarity with striking workers at Cadbury’s plant in Coolock

Dignam, who is the Workers’ Party representative in Dublin North West today visited the picket line at Cadbury’s in Coolock and said: ‘I would like to offer my full support to the workers in UNITE and SIPTU in their struggle to defend the livelihoods of 17 of their workers against outsourcing and the neoliberal race to the bottom. As a member of UNITE’s Youth Committee I am very aware that battles like this are vitally important, both for the livelihoods of the workers involved and for the role that they can play in rebuilding the trade union movement and giving workers confidence that if they stand up to the bosses they can win.’

“Unions at the plant have indicated that the strike will continue until management backs down. I salute their determination to defend their hard won conditions. Workers have given enough already and are right to stand firm on this issue”,

Dignam stated: “The workers at Cadbury’s should take heart from the water charges struggle, which shows the impact that a determined fight can have. I would appeal to the local community in Coolock, which was a heartland of the water protests, to stand in support of their workers. I have every confidence that they will do so and that this strike can be another victory for working class people.”