Statement of the Workers’ Party of Ireland on the Paris attack

The Workers’ Party of Ireland condemns today’s brutal and murderous attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo which has produced understandable anger and indignation throughout France, Europe and the world.

The Workers’ Party  expresses its sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims and takes this opportunity to express its firm support for workers’ rights to carry out their work free from the threat of terrorist attack by the enemies of peace, freedom and social progress who have nothing to offer humanity other than misery, obscurantism and reaction.

These criminal terrorist actions will serve only to increase the clamour for further repressive state measures and add fuel to the racists who will use this attack as cover for their vile, virulent toxic beliefs.

Solidarity with the journalists and staff of Charlie Hebdo.

Solidarity with the French people.

For freedom and social progress against racism, obscurantism and reaction.

Workers’ Party of Ireland

7 January 2015