Cllr Eilis Ryan, The Workers’ Party general election candidate in Dublin Central, has criticised the Anti Austerity Alliance for issuing a press release falsely claiming that The Workers’ Party were not pro-choice.

Cllr. Éilis Ryan

Cllr. Éilis Ryan

Cllr Ryan said, ‘It is deeply disappointing that Diana O’Dwyer and Ruth Coppinger would set themselves up as arbiter of various parties’ policy on this issue and fail to get basic facts right. The issue of repealing the 8th and providing women with the right to choose is one of the main issues that The Workers’ Party has raised in its election campaign and for anyone to claim otherwise is ridiculous. It is mentioned in our manifesto and on all our election literature.’

Cllr Ryan stated that, ‘The Workers’ Party is categorically and proudly pro-choice. We were one of the only parties in the Dáil to actively campaign against the 8th amendment during the referendum on its introduction in 1983. We call for the repeal of the 8th Amendment and for free, safe and legal abortion rights, and this is a red-line issue for us in the formation of the next government.’

Cllr Ryan concluded by saying, ‘With 64% of people in favour of repealing the 8th, the struggle for abortion rights will continue after the election, both inside and outside the Dáil. We cannot simply rely on TD’s to win this battle. We must put pressure on whatever parties are in the next government to hold a referendum and legislate for abortion rights.’