The Workers’ Party has called on communities to unite in support of an anti-racism rally in Dublin tomorrow which has been called to show the city’s opposition to an attempt by a hate group styling itself as ‘Pegida Ireland’ to hold a demonstration outside the GPO.

Workers’ Party Dublin City Councillor and Dublin Central general election candidate, Éílis Ryan, said: “We are calling on all concerned Dublin residents as well as our party members and supporters to gather outside the GPO on O’Connell Street at 1.30 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday, 5th February). It is crucial that groups which attempt to use hate to divide the working class and promote extreme right wing politics are challenged.


“The Workers’ Party stands against all forms of sectarianism. We equally condemn the right wing proto-fascists who wish to oppress others while breeding division and discord. There is one solution to the oppression of women, minorities or others by or within communities, that is progressive socialist policies. “So-called ‘Pegida Ireland’ is just a new cloak for people who adhere to the old ideologies of hate whether it is European fascism or extreme religious nationalism / unionism. The group’s alliance with the British fascist, Tommy Robinson, the founder of the English Defence League, just shows that these extremists are organising on an international basis. The progressive left must similarly organise across all communities to defeat them.”