The Workers’ Party has called on the management of Temple Street Children’s Hospital, Dublin 1, to respect the right of its cleaners to fair pay and union recognition. Party activists will hold a dignified protest outside the hospital tomorrow (Thursday, 18th February) at 1.00 p.m. to highlight the lack of action by the hospital to ensure its subcontractors respect workers’ rights.

Workers Party Dublin City Councillor and Dublin Central election candidate, Éílis Ryan, said: “It has come to our attention that cleaning staff in Temple Street Children’s Hospital are being denied their right as workers to be represented by the union of their choice. The workers are also being asked to work very irregular hours and have no adequate protection against bullying.”

Cllr. Ryan added: “At tomorrow’s protest we will be asking people to sign a petition calling on the hospital management and the Department of Health to sign the ‘Cleaners Charter’ a document supported by the international trade union federation – UNI Global – which seeks to promote a positive image of the cleaning industry as one which provides high quality services carried out by motivated personnel.”