The Workers’ Party opens its 2016 Ard Fheis / Annual Delegate Conference in Dublin this evening (Friday) with a wide range of motions on political, economic, social and international issues in addition to a series of proposals aimed at modernising and professionalising the party’s work at all levels.

The Ard Fheis takes place at the Communications Workers Union hall on Dublin’s northside.

This year’s Ard Fheis comes at a time of renewed growth and challenges for the party which has had a significant number of new members and has new branches in both the Republic and in Northern Ireland.    The Party currently has two elected representatives at local government level, one each in Dublin and Cork city councils.

A spokesperson for the party stated,  “The Workers’ Party is now setting about building on the recent increase in membership to ensure that our Party will be in the vanguard of the struggle against capitalism and the politics of austerity both North and South and for the creation of a democratic, secular, socialist state in Ireland – a republic”