Workers Party Northern Ireland Conference 2014

The Workers Party held it’s annual Northern Ireland Regional Conference in Belfast on Saturday (25th Oct).   In what has been one of the most successful conferences to be held in recent years a broad range of subjects were discussed and lively debate was had which was contributed to by numerous party members and invited guests.

Issued covered included the vital question of Health Care, Devolution in Northern Ireland, the ongoing high level of Sectarianism and issues related tot he Northern Ireland economy, environment and rural development. The class nature of society and its overarching influence on all aspects of life in Northern Ireland and beyond was a key theme which impinged on all of the issues.


In addition to the members from Northern Ireland, there were also many members from the Republic in attendance at the conference which also had strong presence of Workers Party Youth and the Party’s National Women’s Committee.


For full coverage of the conference visit our Northern Ireland regional website where you can also download the main papers from the various sessions.