Message of solidarity from the Workers’ Party of Ireland to the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain in advance of the Spanish General Election which takes place on Sunday 26th June.

To:          The Central Committee,

               Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España

24 June 2016

Dear Comrades,

The Workers’ Party of Ireland sends warm greetings to the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain and extends its best wishes, solidarity and support to the PCPE in the general election taking place in Spain on 26 June 2016. The PCPE is participating in this election on a clear class basis that denounces capitalist exploitation, imperialist barbarity and demands power for the working class.

The PCPE addresses the real issues confronting working people: mass unemployment, evictions, privatisation, the dismantling of basic social and public services, the cost of living, NATO, the threats to peace and the continuing regime of austerity promoted by the European Union.

The PCPE attacks the system which imposes these measures and identifies the need for class struggle to end capitalism, place power in the hands of working people and construct a socialist society.

The Workers’ Party of Ireland supports the struggles of the PCPE. We extend our solidarity and best wishes to the PCPE, its militants and supporters and we wish our comrades in the PCPE success in these elections.

La Fuerza del Pueblo Trabajador

With sincere comradely greetings,

Gerry Grainger

International Secretary and member of the

Central Executive Committee

Workers’ Party of Ireland