Workers’ Party candidate Lorraine Hennessy says “This is a scam and is shamefully abusing the trust of those in dire need of a home”


Lorraine Hennessy (WP)

WP Candidate Lorraine Hennessy

Lorraine Hennessy, the Workers’ Party candidate for Dublin Mid-West has resoundingly condemned Éoin O’Broin for his abuse of the trust of those in dire housing need. She states, ‘At election time voters are exposed to many false promises. I would encourage every voter to challenge all parties and candidates on the dire housing problem and their other policies. However, they should beware of false promises and this is one. A political party should be judged on their longstanding commitment and actions – these are what are important not pre-election promises and hoaxes such as this.”

Lorraine further points out, ‘With regard to Éoin O Broin’s ploy voters should be aware of his party being in power in Northern Ireland and responsible for the housing and homeless problem there. Look at the record – this is what counts – and do not be conned.’

“This electioneering tactic was uncovered when Ó Broin mistakenly sent an email appeal  (below) to Lorraine stating, ‘As a voter, the housing and homelessness crisis is important to me, so I am writing to all the candidates in my constituency asking where they stand on five actions which the incoming Government should take which would really make a difference.’  Lorrain said, “Clearly he is electioneering and blatantly abusing the trust and dire need of those on housing waiting lists and the homeless.”

Content of Email sent by Éoin O’Broin to Workers’ Party candidate Lorraine Hennessy:

Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 6:16 PM
Subject: Tackling the housing and homeless crisis – five things every candidate should do
To: Lorraine Hennessy <>

Dear Lorraine  Hennessy,

As a voter, the housing and homelessness crisis is important to me, so I am writing to all the candidates in my constituency asking where they stand on five actions which the incoming Government should take which would really make a difference.

If you are elected:

1. Will you look for the incoming Government to make a renewed commitment to ending long-term homelessness and the need to sleep rough and set a target date for achieving this? There is a record total of over 5,000 people homeless in Ireland. The vast majority are in emergency accommodation such as hostels or hotels with a small number sleeping rough.

2. Will you insist that the incoming Government has a programme to build at least 40,000 social houses over its lifetime? A record total of 100,000 households are on social housing waiting lists nationwide. That is one in every 16 households who are in need of social housing.

3. Will you support holding a referendum on the ‘right to a home’ within the first three years of the next Government?

4 Will you look for the incoming Government to have a realistic and effective plan to end family homelessness? This will require new measures to prevent families losing their homes and improved measures to help those who are already homeless. There are over 1600 children in more than 700 families who are homeless in Ireland. Many are trapped in hotels or bed and breakfasts in one room with their children. Families are becoming homeless mostly for economic reasons. Many more households are also struggling to pay their rent or mortgage each month.

5 Will you insist that the incoming Government commit to ending the youth homelessness trap? Over 500 young people are trapped in emergency homeless accommodation, with a social welfare rate too low to provide them with a proper home and unable to get a job or training because they are homeless.

Yours sincerely,

Eoin O Broin <>
3 Church Terrace
Co. Dublin