Workers Party candidate Seamus Mc Donagh  ( Meath East) has condemned journalist Paul Williams scaremongering at meetings on rural crime that are being held around the country. WP Meath representative, Seamus McDonagh, said: “I was both amazed and disgusted by the tenor of journalist Paul Williams’ contribution to a meeting on rural crime in the Knightsbrook Hotel in Trim on Tuesday evening (24th November).

Seamus McDonagh

“Williams seemed more interested in whipping up hatred against the Traveller community and supporting calls for the use of guns rather than a serious or considered appraisal of the issue of rural crime.” Seamus McDonagh continued: “At the meeting there was much discussion of US approaches to crime as well as a vote on whether someone breaking into a property should be shot. What was missing from the meeting was a proper discussion on how the real causes of crime should be tackled as well as debate on issues such as community breakdown and cutbacks to Garda funding. “The Workers Party believes that with the proper political will rural crime could be more effectively dealt with.
Some of the measures needed include the establishing of effective community/Garda forums so that the concerns of residents can be directly relayed to the force, greater funding rather to cuts for policing and investment in preventative measures such as alarms for the elderly rather that the withdraw of grants for phone lines. “The proper utilisation of existing resources is also essential. This would mean greater Garda numbers being concentrated in crime hot spots such as parts of the border counties rather than having officers used to force unwanted water meters onto communities.” McDonagh concluded: “None of these issues were even properly raised at the event that Williams addressed. It can only be hoped that at future meetings on this important issue that serious discussion is heard rather than mainly the ravings of failed tabloid journalist.” For further information contact: WP Meath representative, Seamus McDonagh: