Responding to the current flurry of Irish Water text messages being sent to householders, Seamus McDonagh,  who is contesting the General Election on behalf of the Workers’ Party in Meath East, today (Monday) said that voters are daily being reminded of what he termed ‘the ongoing fiasco’ of water charges.

Seamus McDonagh

WP Meath East candidate Seamus McDonagh

“Water charges are among the top issues being raised by voters on the doorsteps of Meath East and their anger is being reinforced by the flurry of texts being sent out by Irish Water during the election campaign.  Not only do these texts demand payment –they threaten a late payment charge.”, said McDonagh.

“The massive campaign of non-payment is clearly having an effect on Irish Water – and these texts are having an impact on voters, making them even more determined to vote for those such as the Workers’ Party who are fully committed to abolishing Irish Water and scrapping water charges.”

“This text assault on voters weeks before a General Election is just the latest own goal scored by the Government and Irish Water”, Seamus McDonagh said.