Gemma Weir is to stand as the Workers Party’s  North Belfast candidate in May’s Assembly Elections.

Gemma Weir

Gemma Weir

She was confirmed as the party’s choice at an election rally held on Sunday.

Gemma, who polled almost one thousand votes in  last year’s Westminster elections, used the rally to set out her manifesto saying that this election was an opportunity to pass judgement on the parties which had run the last Assembly.

“I want to live in a society which is anti- sectarian. I want an education system that is secular and publicly funded. I want women to be trusted to make their own decisions and I want racism and homophobia to be challenged and confronted at every turn” Gemma said

 I want a society which values people above profit, a society which uses all its resources to protect, encourage, develop and enhance its citizens and their environment. I want a socialist society. The Workers Party wants a socialist society and I am proud to take that stand in this election in North Belfast”, she concluded

To read Gemma’s speech in full click here