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To the Workers Party of Ireland,


Dear comrades,


The KKE expresses its solidarity and full support to the Workers Party of Ireland (WPI) regarding the important battle it is waging in the parliamentary elections on 7 May in Northern Ireland.

The WPI is standing its own candidates in these elections, candidates who are exposing the anti-people plans that are being advanced in this period by the forces which serve the business groups. The WPI is the force that struggles against the anti-people political line supported by the 5 parties of bourgeois management, Sinn Fein, the DUP, SDLP, Alliance Party and Ulster Unionists. These forces advance the barbaric anti-worker measures, such as: tax reductions for big capital, cuts in social spending, dismissals and privatizations.

The WPI is the force that opposes this political line and strategy of capital and fights for a way out of the capitalist crisis in favour of the people. The WPI reveals the anti-people character of the EU and struggles against the political line that demolishes labour and social-security rights, that maintains wages and pensions at low levels and has transformed healthcare into a commodity. It is the force that does not divide the people according to their religious beliefs, as the other parties that serve the monopolies do, but in a practical way strives to strengthen the people’s struggle for their own interestsThe WP also participates in the European Communist Initiative, the initiative of Communist and Workers’ parties that fight against the EU and its strategy, against the monopolies and their power.

The strengthening of the WPI will lend impetus to the workers-people’s struggle for emancipation and support it in the difficult confrontation against the monopolies and pro-monopoly forces.

Dear comrades,

The KKE in Greece is striving to expose the anti-people character of the SYRIZA-ANEL government that is supported by big capital and operates within the framework of the EU, continuing all the anti-worker laws of the previous governments. The government aims to change the formula of bourgeois management in order to more effectively finance the country’s business groups, something which the people will pay for once again. In this period, they are preparing, in the framework of the negotiations with the EU, IMF and ECB, a new painful agreement for the people, with barbaric anti-worker measures including: cuts in pensions, privatizations, new taxes, similar to the anti-worker measures being implemented in Northern Ireland which the WPI consistently fights against.

The only way forwards is to come into conflict with big capital and the EU and this is a prerequisite for the people to be able to form a strong alliance in order to take power and shape the developments.

With these thoughts, the KKE hopes that the WPI will be strengthened in the elections, something that would enhance the organization of the people’s struggle.

With comradely greetings,

International Section of the CC of the KKE


NOTE: The Workers’ Party has also received messages of solidarity from fraternal parties in France, Denmark and Yugoslavia.