Berta Caceres (1973-2016)

Berta Caceres (1973-2016)

At a meeting of Dublin City Council this evening (Monday 7th March), Dublin City Councillors agreed to a request made by Cllr. Éilis Ryan (Workers’ Party), that the council call for an independent investigation into the death of human rights activist Berta Caceres in Honduras last week.

Berta Caceres, founder of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Honduras (COPINH) and a leading opponent of illegal land grabs by big business in Honduras, was assassinated last Friday (3rd March). Berta’s work in COPINH has received significant financial support from Irish aid organisations, including Trócaire.

Speaking following the agreement of councillors to write to the Honduran Ambassador to the United Nations, calling for an independent investigation into Ms. Caceres’ death, Cllr. Ryan said; “Between 2010 and 2014, over 100 land rights activists were assassinated in Honduras – more per capita than any other country in the world – most often for opposing land grabs by big business interests. These attacks have escalated since a US-backed coup in 2009 toppled the democratic government which opposed such land grabs.”

Cllr. Ryan continued; “International pressure is essential to ensuring that those responsible for Berta’s assassination are brought to justice. It is right that Dublin City Council would be to the fore in this, by supporting human rights’ organisations calls for an independent investigation into Caceres’ death.”