A protest rally against recent murders, attempted murders and maimings will be held at the shopping complex on the Grosvenor Road at 7.30pm on Wednesday (11th May)

The protest has been prompted by Monday night’s murder of Dan Murray just several hundred yards away in Lady Street, but also reflects the growing anger and resilience in the face of eleven serious armed attacks across Belfast in the past six months in which four people have been murdered and several others, including a seventeen year old boy, seriously wounded.

Chairperson of tonight’s protest Conor Campbell said:

“It is important that the community publically displays its resilience in the face of these attacks and demonstrates its refusal to accept the rule of armed gangs across the city’

One of the speakers addressing the protest, Gemma Weir from north Belfast, will appeal for a united community response and call on the incoming Minister for Justice to convene and resource a ‘Community Forum Against Murder and Maiming’ comprised of community groups, community representatives, elected representatives, statuatory and voluntary organisations including the PSNI and the Department of Justice. The Forum would act as a united front against armed gangs and a coordinator of anti-violence initiatives.

The rally will also be addressed by local elected representatives and community leaders.


Chronology of armed attacks in Belfast since January 2016

Jan 7th

Conor McKee is murdered in the Oldpark area of north Belfast

Jan 22nd

A 17-year-old youth is shot in both legs in west Belfast.

Feb 18th

A man is shot in the leg in west Belfast

Feb 25th

Stephen Carson is murdered in south Belfast.

Mar 7th

Shots fired at a house in west Belfast

April 16th

Michael McGibbon is murdered in Ardoyne.

April 30th

A 19-year-old is shot in the leg in north Belfast.

May 6th

A man is shot and seriously wounded in his home in west Belfast

May 9th

A man is shot several times in North Belfast.

May 9th

A 17-year-old is shot several times in north Belfast

May 9th

Dan Murray is murdered in west Belfast