Workers’ Party Councillor Ted Tynan has strongly condemned last Monday night’s vicious attack against a Polish family in Mayfield, saying racist attacks are completely unacceptable in any area.

Cllr. Tynan, who has spoken to many local residents on a number of occasions since Monday, described the attack as despicable and has called for the restoration and extension of the Community Garda service which has been severely cut over the past number of years.

“Attacks of this nature are completely unacceptable and my sympathies go out to the family in question and  the other residents of the area who are appalled at what occurred last Monday night.   These attacks stem from ignorance and racism but also from a level of thuggery and violence which has become all too prevalent in society. The message has to go out that racism whether verbal or physical is something that will not be tolerated”.

The family themselves recognised how welcome they were made by the rest of the community which goes to show its a minority of individuals, some from outside the area who engage in this type of extreme anti-social behaviour.

Cllr. Tynan said that the collapse of the Community Garda service has meant that the garda role is purely one of reacting to something that has already happened.  We need community gardaí back on patrol but we also have to look at the wider issues around education and the implementation of laws on incitement to racism.”