

Speaking at a May Day meeting last night Workers’ Party president Michael Donnelly stated that Ireland is within three weeks of enshrining the concept that civil marriage as a civil right within our constitution. He said that this would be one of the most significant constitutional changes since the adoption of Bunreacht na hÉireann.


“The Marriage Equality Referendum on May 22nd boils down to one simple question” stated Michael Donnelly. “The question is whether we believe constitutional rights and constitutional protections apply equally or whether we can discriminate against certain minorities? We do not believe that the constitution can have inbuilt discrimination and that is why we continue to campaign strongly on the doorsteps for a yes vote”.


“It is important to stress” continued Mr Donnelly “that while some peoples’ opinions may be offended by this referendum nobody’s rights are being impinged in even the slightest fashion. I want to stress once again that civil rights are not a zero-sum game. Recognising civil marriage as a civil right adds to the totality of rights available to all citizens.”


“The Workers’ Party welcomes the broad coalition that has built up to campaign for a yes vote. The entrance of different Trade Unions into the campaign demonstrates very clearly the negative impact of the present situation on the lives of thousands of people. We can no longer sweep this issue under the carpet and export it to England or elsewhere. We have seen all too clearly in the last few years the true legacy of denial and discrimination.”

Michael Donnelly

Michael Donnelly

In conclusion Michael Donnelly stated: “It is clear that the vast majority of Irish voters are in favour of this referendum. That is why we have seen more desperate antics from the no side who want to lock us into some type of 1950s time-warp. That is why we urge everybody on the yes side to continue with a strenuous campaign and in three weeks we can return to celebrate the enshrining of the concept of civil marriage as a civil right in our constitution”