October Revolution 1917

The Workers’ Party of Ireland sends greetings to the communist and workers’ parties of the world on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

The October Revolution was a decisive break with the old world order and laid the basis for the political, social and economic liberation of humankind. It brought about a new social system which abolished private ownership of the means of production, rejected the barbarism of capital and created the conditions for the establishment of a new type of civilization throughout the world.

Life expectancy and literacy levels were increased, the living conditions and material well-being of the people were improved and the health and education of citizens was secured.

The victory of the workers in the Great October Socialist Revolution and the successes of the Bolshevik Party led by Lenin, heralded the formation of the Soviet Union, the world’s first workers’ state, converting the socialist vision into a tangible reality. For the first time in history the revolutionary ideas of Marx and Engels were translated into practice. The experience and ideas of the October Revolution transformed the world.

The October Revolution also commenced a new stage in international solidarity, galvanising anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist struggles. It encouraged and inspired the international revolutionary movement. The Soviet Union played a decisive role in the defeat of fascism, Nazism and Japanese imperialism.

The enemies of socialism, emboldened by the counter-revolution, have sought, unsuccessfully, to diminish the great achievements of the Soviet Union and the ideas of the October Revolution. Red October demonstrated that the birth of a new society is possible, that workers can take power and create a state in their own image. Socialism is the future.

Workers of all countries unite.

International Section

Workers’ Party of Ireland