Workers Party

Government scores own goal with latest Irish Water texts

Responding to the current flurry of Irish Water text messages being sent to householders, Seamus McDonagh,  who is contesting the General Election on behalf of the Workers’ Party in Meath East, today (Monday) said that voters are daily being reminded of what he termed ‘the ongoing fiasco’ of water charges. WP Meath East candidate [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:52+00:00February 15th, 2016|

WP targetting seat in Cork North Central, expects strong showing elsewhere

Workers Party President Mick Donnelly (Back) with candidates (L-R) Cllr. Ted Tynan, Jimmy Dignam, Seamus McDonagh, Cllr. Éilis Ryan and Lorraine Hennessy A resurgent Workers’ Party is running five candidates in the forthcoming General Election, and today said that it expects to be in the hunt for the final seat in Cork North [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:52+00:00February 14th, 2016|

Fine Gael’s recovery slogan ringing hollow in Dublin Central says Cllr Ryan

Over 20,000 living in deprivation in Minister Donohoe’s constituency The Workers’ Party candidate in Dublin Central, Cllr Eilis Ryan, today (Sunday) said that Fine Gael’s claims of economic recovery are ringing hollow in Dublin Central, where an estimated 20,000 people are suffering multiple deprivation experiences based on an extrapolation from CSO figures. “Fine Gael’s Minister [...]

2016-02-15T16:12:21+00:00February 7th, 2016|

WP candidate Ryan says Xtravision workers treated shabbily

Workers Party Dublin Central candidate Cllr. Éilis Ryan has expressed support for the 580 Xtravision workers who have been made redundant and are now fighting for entitlements they were promised would be secured. Cllr. Ryan said that more than four years after the Vita Cortex debacle in Cork in which employees had to sit-in their [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:53+00:00January 29th, 2016|

Nurses deserve support in strike for standards – Dignam

Workers' Party Dublin North West representative Jimmy Dignam has offered his full support to nurses at Beaumont Hospital who have announced industrial action in response to unsafe staffing levels at the hospital. Speaking to activists in his constituency, Dignam said, 'The fact that 99% of Irish Nurses & Midwives’ Organisation’s members in the medical and [...]

2016-01-02T23:36:50+00:00November 25th, 2015|

Workers’ Party Statement on terrorist attacks

  The Workers’ Party of Ireland condemns the murderous terrorist attacks in Paris and Saint-Denis which has been claimed by ISIS/Daesh and expresses its condolences to the families and friends of the many victims and its solidarity with the French people.   The WPI condemns with equal force the recent terrorist attacks carried out in [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:56+00:00November 17th, 2015|

Irish Water rebrand will not cover its toxic legacy

The Workers’ Party have said that the reported decision of Irish Water boss John Tierney to stand down at the end of his contract and the company’s plans to re-brand itself are a clear sign that Irish Water is on its last legs and that anti-water charges activists should increase the pressure on the government [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:56+00:00November 8th, 2015|

WPI contribution to international meeting

Contribution by the Workers’ Party of Ireland to the 17th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties     The tasks of Communist and Workers’ Parties to strengthen the struggle of the working class against capitalist exploitation, imperialist wars and fascism, for workers’ and peoples’ emancipation, for socialism.  Speech delivered by Gerry Grainger, International Secretary [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:56+00:00November 7th, 2015|

Billy McMillen 40th anniversary memorial address, Belfast

Billy McMillen Memorial Address 2015 Belfast, speech delivered by Workers' Party President Mickey Donnelly. Comrades, Friends. Michael Donnelly delivering his speech in Belfast I am very privileged and honoured to be asked to deliver today’s memorial talk on Billy McMillen. Many years ago, when I joined the old Republican Movement over in Strabane, [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:56+00:00November 2nd, 2015|

WP support Right 2 Change principles as basis for progressive change

Workers Party supports Right2Change principles as a basis for progressive change Workers’ Party representatives today commended the work of the Right2Water unions in beginning a process that could form the basis for the creation of a progressive political bloc to challenge the dominance of neoliberalism in Irish society. At a meeting with representatives of the [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:57+00:00October 30th, 2015|