Workers’ Party call on government-bound TDs to take a stand on TTIP

Cllr. Éilis Ryan The Workers’ Party has called on those independent TDs currently contemplating doing a deal to return Enda Kenny and Fine Gael to government to make an issue of the  the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and demand an end to the secrecy surrounding the subject. Workers’ Party Dublin Central Councillor [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:47+00:00May 4th, 2016|

Workers’ Party to make TTIP an election issue

Councillor Éilis Ryan, the Workers’ Party candidate for Dublin Central has said that if Ireland signs the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) the manifesto commitments of all political parties on a wide range of issues would be rendered meaningless. Cllr. Ryan said the Irish people and the citizens of the EU as a whole [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:52+00:00February 13th, 2016|

WP support Peoples’ NHS NI campaign

WP North Belfast party reps Chris Bailie and Gemma Weir show their solidarity Workers Party North Belfast representatives Gemma Weir and Chris Bailie braved the cold this week to call with Party members and supporters in the Kansas Avenue / Cedar Avenue area of North Belfast encouraging them to support the ‘People’s NHSni’ [...]

2019-05-19T10:01:04+00:00December 11th, 2014|