
Bodenstown Oration 1973

The following oration was given by Sinn Féin (Official) Ard Comhairle member Billy McMillen at the Party's Wolfe Tone commemoration in June 1973, in the early stages of the party's transition from Sinn Féin to the Workers' Party. Bodenstown Oration 1973 A Chomrádaithe, “It is well to remember that nations which submit to conquest or [...]

2019-05-19T09:59:58+00:00April 27th, 2019|

1976-1977 Commemoration

The following oration was delivered by Austin Kelly, North Belfast branch, on Sunday 3rd September at the Workers' Party Commemoration at Milltown Cemetery for our members and supporters who lost their lives in 1976 and 1977. Austin Kelly delivers the oration Oration, Workers' Party Commemoration, Sunday, 3rd September 2017 Comrades and Friends, We [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:20+00:00September 5th, 2017|

100 years after his execution James Connolly is as relevant as ever

The President of the Workers’ Party, Michael Donnelly, has said that 100 years to the day after the execution of the socialist revolutionary James Connolly (May 12th) the same forces which demanded his killing continue to rule Ireland north and south. Mr. Donnelly said that it was noteworthy that while the state paid lip service [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:47+00:00May 12th, 2016|

Banks are Frankenstein’s monster that will return to haunt the Irish people

In response to increasing expectations among financial analysts and journalists of an impending stock market crash, Jimmy Dignam, the Workers’ Party candidate for Dublin North West has said that Ireland’s banking system is an unreformed Frankenstein’s monster that could cause a repeat of the economic catastrophe of 2008 / 2009. Jimmy Dignam Dignam [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:52+00:00February 12th, 2016|