Workers’ Rights

The Workers Party has expressed its solidarity with Bus Éireann Workers who are currently on strike following the decision of company management to proceed unilaterally to cut pay and conditions. Cllr. Ted Tynan has said that it is vital for all workers that the Bus Éireann employees win this dispute as the outcome will set the trend on pay and [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:31+00:00March 24th, 2017|

Success of Clery’s deal will hinge on trade union rights

Workers’ Party congratulates Clery’s workers on forcing a deal Workers’ Party councillor Éilis Ryan has congratulated Clery’s workers on their 21-month battle for fair treatment after they were made redundant following the liquidation of the former retail store. Cllr Ryan (North Inner City Dublin) said: I am fully of the opinion that we would not [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:32+00:00March 21st, 2017|

An Bord Pleanála hearing on Clery’s must focus on €1.5m Council Levy exemption

There have been calls for An Bord Pleanála to examine a €1.5 million council levy exemption granted to developer consortium Natrium, at the planning appeals hearing of the controversial Clery's development which begins tomorrow (Monday). Workers’ Party councillor Éilis Ryan, who will address the appeal hearing tomorrow, will ask why the controversial development has been [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:32+00:00March 19th, 2017|

NTA favoritism for private bus operators sparks call for their abolition

Cllr. Éilis Ryan The National Transport Authority (NTA) has faced accusations of favoring privatisation of transport following its comments yesterday (28/2) that private operators can adequately cover all but one Bus Éireann Expressway routes currently facing closure. Speaking in reaction to the NTA’s comments, Cllr. Éilis Ryan (Workers’ Party, North Inner City) said: [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:33+00:00March 1st, 2017|

Family Income Supplement threat to Tesco strikers removed from Social Welfare Department website

A Workers’ Party councillor has welcomed the decision by the Department of Social Protection to remove a questionable circular that stated that workers who are on strike would not receive their Family Income Supplment (FIS) entitlements. Cllr. Éilis Ryan (Workers’ Party, North Inner City) spoke following her discovery that circular SW22, which stated that FIS [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:33+00:00February 24th, 2017|

Tynan slams “law of the jungle” as workers laid off by text message

Cllr. Ted Tynan Workers’ Party Councillor Ted Tynan has condemned the way that workers at Clancy’s bar and restaurant in Cork city centre were informed by mobile phone text that their jobs were gone. Cllr. Tynan said that no matter what economic circumstances existed at the company there was no excuse whatsoever for [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:33+00:00February 13th, 2017|

Hewlett Packard condemned for dividing profitable corporation from loss-making HP Inc.

The Workers’ Party has condemned the announcement of the loss of 500 jobs at HP Inc in Lexilip, Co. Kildare. Cllr. Éilis Ryan (Workers’ Party, Dublin), pointed the finger at both the government’s blind reliance on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and at Hewlett Packard’s decision to split into two global companies – which has exacerbated [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:33+00:00February 8th, 2017|

Lockout of teachers marks ‘beginning of the end’ of Landsdowne Road Agreement – Workers’ Party

  Cllr. Eilis Ryan (2nd from right) supporting ASTI members The Workers’ Party has said that this mornings’ lockout of teachers across the country marks the beginning of the end of the Landsdowne Road Agreement. The statement comes as tens of thousands of teachers arrived to work this morning to find gates locked. [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:38+00:00November 7th, 2016|

Landsdowne Road deal is dead in the water

The Workers’ Party has said that the alteration of the terms of the Landsdowne Road Agreement by the government to facilitate a settlement with the Garda unions shows that the agreement is effectively dead in the water. Workers’ Party spokesperson Jimmy Dignam said that the government had been engaged in brinkmanship, first with the ASTI [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:38+00:00November 4th, 2016|

Teacher Dispute: Government in breach of Employment Equality Acts

Minister Bruton’s Disastrous Bullying Tactics Raises his Fitness for Office The Workers’ Party has condemned the provocative and regressive handling by the Minister for Education, Mr. Richard Bruton, of the current teachers’ dispute. The demands of ASTI members stand up to scrutiny as being fair and reasonable. Far from being extreme they simply demand what [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:38+00:00October 28th, 2016|