
Minister Kelly rolled-over by developers on apartment size

The Workers’ Party has accused Environment Minister Alan Kelly of cravenly capitulating to property developers  in relation to the minimum size of so-called studio apartments in the Dublin region which can now be 27% smaller than the previous maximum size. Dublin Central Workers’ Party councillor Éilis Ryan said that the new regulations amounted to a [...]

2016-02-13T09:42:10+00:00December 22nd, 2015|

Workers’ Party rejects sale of council homes now and in the future

Cllr. Éilis Ryan (WP) The Workers’ Party this evening expressed disappointment at Sinn Féin’s refusal to rule out supporting the sale of public housing in the future. Speaking after a special meeting of Dublin City Council this evening, called to discuss a Sinn Féin motion on the matter, Workers’ Party Cllr. Éilis Ryan [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:55+00:00December 17th, 2015|

Workers’ Party forum on housing crisis held in Ballymun

Over thirty people attended a forum on the housing crisis last Thursday ​(15th October) in the Axis Centre Ballymun, hosted by Workers' Party Dublin North West candidate Jimmy Dignam. Speakers at the forum were Fr. Peter McVerry (Homelessness campaigner), Lorraine Hennessy (Housing Activist in Balgaddy) and Jimmy Dignam (Workers’ Party Candidate for Dublin North West). [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:57+00:00October 20th, 2015|

WP in Dublin to host public forum on Housing Emergency

The Workers' Party in Dublin is to hold a public forum on the housing crisis, Thursday 15th October, 7.30pm, at the Axis Centre, Ballymun. In the midst of an ever worsening housing emergency, the Workers' Party is hosting a public forum for people to come and share their experiences and opinions on the housing crisis. [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:58+00:00October 12th, 2015|

WP say O’Brien must not profit from homeless crisis

The Workers’ Party has condemned the possibility of a company owned by controversial businessman Denis O’Brien being given a contract to provide temporary housing units for homeless families in Dublin. Following a viewing of the modular housing units, Workers’ Party Dublin City Councillor, Éilis Ryan, said that the proposal to use them as a stop-gap [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:59+00:00September 16th, 2015|

Need for a comprehensive and forward-looking housing strategy

The Workers’ Party have called for a national housing strategy on a permanent basis to ensure that never again will the citizens of this country have to face the type of housing emergency currently impacting on hundreds of thousands of people. Workers’ Party Meath spokesman Seamus McDonagh said that the current housing crisis was putting [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:59+00:00September 14th, 2015|

McMahon report on Direct Provision criticised by Workers’ Party Cllr for Dublin’s North Inner City

• System of Direct Provision must be dismantled • McMahon report does not go far enough • Lives will continue to be blighted in this unjust system Cllr Eilis Ryan, Workers’ Party Cllr for Dublin's North Inner City, today criticised the recommendations of the McMahon Report on the Protection Process and Direct Provision. The report [...]

2016-02-15T16:21:27+00:00July 1st, 2015|

Council housing plan further lines pockets of landlords

Workers' Party Councillor for Dublin's North Inner City, Éilis Ryan commented on today's rising figures: "Today's figures that over 20,000 people are now on social housing waiting lists across Dublin will come as no surprise to all those living through this housing crisis nightmare." "Every day I meet people who are simply struggling to have [...]

2015-05-25T17:17:50+00:00May 25th, 2015|

State should recoup funds from unscrupulous landlords

Workers’ Party calls for state to recoup funds from landlords who have caused and profited from substandard accommodation    The Workers’ Party has strongly condemned the states’ handout of thousands of euro to landlords who profit from renting out hazardous, radically substandard accommodation. Workers’ Party councillor for Dublin’s north inner city, Éilis Ryan, this morning visited a premise at [...]

2019-05-19T10:01:00+00:00May 16th, 2015|

Ryan calls for use of NAMA as emergency accommodation for families

Workers Party Dublin City Councillor Éilis Ryan  has called on the government to prioritise the use of NAMA properties as emergency accommodation for homeless families   In a motion to be put before Dublin City Council this evening, Cllr.  Ryan is calling for the government and Dublin City Council to develop a costed plan for the further purchase and/or [...]

2019-05-19T10:01:01+00:00April 13th, 2015|