
“Is Sinn Féin ignorant of its own record on housing?” asks Lorraine Hennessy

Workers' Party candidate Lorraine Hennessy says "This is a scam and is shamefully abusing the trust of those in dire need of a home"   WP Candidate Lorraine Hennessy Lorraine Hennessy, the Workers’ Party candidate for Dublin Mid-West has resoundingly condemned Éoin O’Broin for his abuse of the trust of those in dire [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:52+00:00February 17th, 2016|

Dignam says Focus Ireland homeless figures show toll of crisis on Dublin working class communities

Jimmy Dignam, the Workers' Party candidate in Dublin North West, responded this morning (Wednesday)  to figures from a study on homelessness carried out by Focus Ireland, saying:  'These figures clearly give the lie to any notion of recovery in working class areas.” Dignam continued: “The Workers' Party recently sought a breakdown of the number of [...]

2016-02-17T09:15:48+00:00February 17th, 2016|

Main parties won’t build social housing because they are under thumb of developers

Cork North Central Workers’ Party candidate Cllr. Ted Tynan has said that neither the present government nor Fianna Fail will embark on a major social housing construction programme because the parties in question are still under the thumb of developers. Cllr. Ted Tynan Cllr. Tynan said that a local authority led housing construction [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:52+00:00February 16th, 2016|

“We need investment in social houses, not public houses, Mr. Kenny!”

Cllr. Éilis Ryan Taoiseach prioritises broadband for pubs and cuts to duty on bar licences while housing crisis mounts The Workers’ Party today reacted with disbelief to Fine Gael’s manifesto which – in an apparent nod to the vintners’ lobby – promises to deliver high-speed broadband to public houses around the country and [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:52+00:00February 14th, 2016|

Fine Gael’s recovery slogan ringing hollow in Dublin Central says Cllr Ryan

Over 20,000 living in deprivation in Minister Donohoe’s constituency The Workers’ Party candidate in Dublin Central, Cllr Eilis Ryan, today (Sunday) said that Fine Gael’s claims of economic recovery are ringing hollow in Dublin Central, where an estimated 20,000 people are suffering multiple deprivation experiences based on an extrapolation from CSO figures. “Fine Gael’s Minister [...]

2016-02-15T16:12:21+00:00February 7th, 2016|

Rejuvenated Workers’ Party seek to empower the working class

The announcement of February 26th as the date for the 2016 general election hasn’t come a moment too soon according to the Workers’ Party. The Party’s President Michael Donnelly said that the long drawn out announcement of the election date by Taoiseach Enda Kenny amounted to “the greatest walk of shame in the annals of [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:53+00:00February 3rd, 2016|

Dignam says Simon Housing Survey shows need for proper rent controls‏

Responding to the latest Simon Community housing report ‘‘Locked Out of the Market III: The Gap Between Rent Supplement/HAP Limits and Market Rents’’, Jimmy Dignam, The Workers’ Party candidate for Dublin North West, said that it highlighted the urgent need for the proper rent controls to ensure affordable rents for tenants in the private sector. [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:54+00:00January 27th, 2016|

Coveney more interested in speculators than citizens

Workers’ Party councillor Ted Tynan has described as disgraceful the recent comments of Minister Simon Coveney in relation to the delayed commencement of the Events Centre at the former Beamish & Crawford brewery site in Cork city. Councillor Ted Tynan The Minister had been quoted as blaming the delayed commencement of work on [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:54+00:00January 15th, 2016|

Dignam slams hand-over of housing lands at Oscar Traynor Rd Dublin

Jimmy Dignam, the Workers' Party representative for Santry and Beaumont, has slammed the handing-over of council-owned land at Oscar Traynor Road to a private developer. Jimmy Dignam, Workers Party Dublin North West Dignam said, 'There are thousands of working-class families on the council waiting list, living in the north-east and north-west areas of [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:54+00:00January 13th, 2016|

Ryan condemns Sinn Féin support for sell-off of Dublin City Council lands

                              Cllr. Éilis Ryan  Cllr. Éilis Ryan (Workers’ Party, North Inner City Dublin) has condemned Sinn Féin’s support for the sale of significant tracts of Dublin City Council land to private developers at a meeting of Dublin City Council [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:54+00:00January 12th, 2016|