Banking & Public Finances

Workers’ Party calls on Minister to veto bonuses for AIB chiefs

Gavin Mendel-Gleason The Workers’ Party have today (Thursday) called on Minister for Finance Paschal Donohue to veto proposed bonuses for AIB senior executives. The call comes in response to a proposal contained in AIB’s annual financial report, to effectively double the salaries of a number of senior AIB executives, by issuing them with a [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:15+00:00March 1st, 2018|

Budget fails to target most vulnerable yet bankrolls developers again

Cllr. Ted Tynan The Workers’ Party have said described today’s budget as a charter for standing still which gives a miserly increase for social welfare while offering no realistic hope for those on housing lists. Workers’ Party Cork Councillor Ted Tynan said that Minister Donohoe’s establishment of a so-called rainy day fund was [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:19+00:00October 10th, 2017|

The Workers’ Party welcomes Citizens’ Assembly finding on mandatory pension scheme

Workers’ Party’s representative Gavin Mendel-Gleason has welcomed the finding of the Citizens’ Assembly that a mandatory pension scheme should be introduced. Responding to the developments, Gavin Mendel-Gleason said: A mandatory pension contribution scheme would ensure not only that all workers would be cared for in old age, but would provide the state with much needed [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:24+00:00July 10th, 2017|

AIB tax-holiday a direct subsidy to private speculators

The Workers' Party have condemned the 30-year "corporation tax holiday" the government is granting AIB in order to attract private investors in the state bank. Workers' Party representative Gavin Mendel-Gleason said: Its extraordinary that, for the period AIB has been in state hands, loopholes allowing the bank to avoid corporation tax have been closed off. [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:25+00:00June 4th, 2017|

AIB’s bad loans firesale prioritises investors over those needing housing

The Workers’ Party has condemned AIB’s plans to escalate the sale of its bad loan books, in order to entice investors to buy shares in the state-owned bank. Workers’ Party representative for Dublin Northwest, Gavin Mendel-Gleason, was responding to comments made yesterday (Wednesday) by AIB Chief Executive Bernard Byrne that AIB intended to clear its [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:25+00:00June 1st, 2017|

Workers’ Party describe investment bank advice to government on AIB sale as like the ‘fox guarding the hen-house’

Workers’ Party Dublin North West representative Gavin Mendel-Gleason has described as deeply worrying the fact that the government is receiving advice from investments banks such as Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Bank on the possible sale of AIB Mendel-Gleason said: "It is shocking to think that Merrill Lynch could have any involvement in providing advice to [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:25+00:00May 30th, 2017|

Hibernia profit surge shows madness of NAMA sell-off strategy

The profits now being made off assets previously controlled by NAMA show the madness of the government’s “Sell-Off Strategy,” according to the Workers’ Party. Comments released by Cllr. Éilis Ryan (Workers’ Party, North Inner City) were sparked by news that Hibernia REIT, whose asset portfolio contains a large number of former NAMA-controlled properties, expected to [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:26+00:00May 24th, 2017|

Renewed calls for AIB to remain in public ownership

Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s revelation that the government intends to use revenue from the sale of 25% of the state’s stake in AIB for debt reduction has been met with calls to keep the bank in state ownership. Currently, 99% of AIB is owned by the state. Reacting to the Taoiseach’s statement in the Dáil yesterday [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:31+00:00March 22nd, 2017|

Budget worse than any presented at the height of economic crisis

Cllr. Ted Tynan The Workers’ Party have described today’s budget as being as bad any presented by Michael Noonan at the height of the economic crisis. Workers’ Party councillor Ted Tynan said that the budget was shocking in the extent of its focus on handouts and tax loopholes for those with wealth while [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:40+00:00October 11th, 2016|

Government must not appeal decision in Apple tax case

WP says tax windfall must be used for 'public compensation fund' to build public housing Apple revenue could build 72,000 houses in Ireland   The Workers’ Party has today (30th August) issued a call for the government not to appeal the European Commission's Apple tax decision, but to  establish a ‘Public Compensation Fund’ with money recouped [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:42+00:00August 30th, 2016|