Ted Tynan

Creation of single national water company is just a pretext for job losses

The Workers’ Party have criticised Minister Eoghan Murphy’s renewed proposal to remove water services from local authorities, stating it appears to be nothing more than a pretext for job losses. Responding to reports that Minister Murphy had brought the proposal to Cabinet last Thursday, Cllr. Ted Tynan, Workers’ Party, said: “Minister Murphy’s proposal to remove [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:06+00:00July 16th, 2018|

Irish Water accused of hypocrisy over failure to restrict commercial water usage

Irish Water has come in for fresh criticism, for failing to curtail the use of water for commercial purposes, as the country’s drought worsens. Speaking on the matter, Cllr. Ted Tynan of the Workers’ Party said: “Unfortunately, because of successive governments’ failure to invest in proper infrastructure for our public water service, we are faced [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:08+00:00July 5th, 2018|

Tynan accuses Cork City Council of slavish adherence to government’s “Rebuilding Ireland” plan

Cllr. Ted Tynan Workers’ Party Councillor, Ted Tynan, has accused Cork City Council management of slavish adherence to the government’s Rebuilding Ireland housing policy and a deep antipathy towards the public provision of housing. Cllr. Tynan will tonight (Monday) call for a pilot programme of 100% public, mixed income housing on council owned [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:08+00:00June 25th, 2018|

Cork Incinerator draws planning process into disrepute, skewed against ordinary people

Workers’ Party Councillor Ted Tynan has called for a “root and branch” overhaul of the planning process in the wake of An Bórd Pleanála’s decision to grant planning permission to Indaver for a major waste incinerator at Ringaskidy, Co. Cork. Graphic showing the plume of air pollution blown by the prevailing wind (2015 study) [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:09+00:00June 11th, 2018|

Cervical Screening Inquiry must focus on cost motive for choosing private screening labs

The Workers' Party have called for the remit of the cervical cancer enquiry to include the appropriateness of cost being used as a criteria for choosing screening labs. Cllr. Ted Tynan, Workers' Party representative on Cork City Council, said: "Outsourcing as a practice has already run down our waste management services, our public transport system [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:10+00:00May 9th, 2018|

Workers’ Party call for restoration of tax relief on trade union subscriptions

The Workers' Party have demanded demanded that the government restore tax relief on Trade Union subscriptions for workers, saying that the present situation whereby Trade Union members are the only people paying subscriptions to  representative or professional bodies who are not allowed tax, PRSI and USC relief on their subscriptions is discriminatory. Cllr. Ted Tynan, Workers' Party [...]

2018-04-17T08:33:39+00:00April 17th, 2018|

Visit of UK naval vessels to Haulbowline condemned by Workers’ Party

The Workers’ Party have condemned the government’s granting of permission to three British naval vessels to berth inside Haulbowline Naval Base today (Tuesday). HMS Charger, one of the three vessels now at Haulbolwline Cork Workers’ Party Councillor Ted Tynan said the presence of the naval vessels at Haulbowline, for the first time since [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:12+00:00March 27th, 2018|

Tynan calls for a different vision for Cork City based on the needs of citizens, not relentless ‘development’

Cork City Hall with Elysian tower behind - plans are now afoot for a new skycraper twice as high as Ireland's current highest building The Workers’ Party have called for an alternative vision for Cork city in which the needs of people will be put ahead of developers and which will preserve the [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:15+00:00February 21st, 2018|

Harris splitting hairs in vain defence of chronic hospital ED crowding

The Workers’ Party have accused Health Minister Simon Harris of splitting hairs in a vain attempt to deflect criticism over the ongoing chronic overcrowding in hospital Emergency Departments which according to the INMO sees 643 patients on trolleys today (Monday), 59 of them at Cork University Hospital and a further 10 at the city’s Mercy [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:15+00:00February 19th, 2018|