Eilis Ryan

Workers’ Party rejects sale of council homes now and in the future

Cllr. Éilis Ryan (WP) The Workers’ Party this evening expressed disappointment at Sinn Féin’s refusal to rule out supporting the sale of public housing in the future. Speaking after a special meeting of Dublin City Council this evening, called to discuss a Sinn Féin motion on the matter, Workers’ Party Cllr. Éilis Ryan [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:55+00:00December 17th, 2015|

WP demands equality for nursing and midwifery interns

The Workers' Party expresses its strong support for the campaign of student nurses and midwives to win equality of treatment from the HSE for final year students who perform the same work as qualified staff as part of their final year "internship" programme.   Final year student nurses and midwives are required, as part of [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:58+00:00October 15th, 2015|

Ireland must cut links with despotic Saudi regime says Ryan

The Workers’ Party has called on the Irish Government to bring to an end its close business and political links with a regime in Saudi Arabia which has condemned a young political activist to death by crucifixion and is a systematic extreme abuser of human rights. Workers’ Party Dublin City Councillor, Éilis Ryan, said: “Recent [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:59+00:00September 25th, 2015|

WP say O’Brien must not profit from homeless crisis

The Workers’ Party has condemned the possibility of a company owned by controversial businessman Denis O’Brien being given a contract to provide temporary housing units for homeless families in Dublin. Following a viewing of the modular housing units, Workers’ Party Dublin City Councillor, Éilis Ryan, said that the proposal to use them as a stop-gap [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:59+00:00September 16th, 2015|

Ireland should welcome the victims of US and EU States foreign policy

The Workers’ Party has called for Ireland to assist refugees with shelter and demand the ending of NATO interventions in Syria, Libya and Iraq which have provoked the current crisis.   Workers’ Party Dublin City Councillor Éilis Ryan said; “The suffering of those forced to seek refuge in Europe due to the destruction of their [...]

2019-05-19T10:00:59+00:00September 3rd, 2015|

The Workers’ Party condemn latest attacks on lone parents and children

The Government’s cut to the One Parent Family Payment (OPFP) takes money from the pockets of many one parent families, exacerbating the already severe child poverty crisis. Already, 12% of children in the State are experiencing deprivation and are at risk of poverty. Single parent families are one of the most vulnerable groups in Ireland [...]

2016-02-13T09:40:36+00:00July 2nd, 2015|

Arrests highlight wholesale failures of policing

The need to place the wholesale reform of the policing service on top of the political agenda is clear from ongoing campaign of arrests targeting political activists and the working class community of Jobstown, according to Workers’ Party Dublin City Councillor Éilis Ryan. “In recent days what has been witnessed is not only clearly policing driven by [...]

2019-05-19T10:01:02+00:00February 11th, 2015|