Dublin Mid-West candidate Lorraine Hennessy highlights low levels of regulation and high taxpayer subsidies to Irish business

High subsidies generate low return in terms of decent jobs, says Hennessy

Speaking today (Sunday) the Workers’ Party candidate in Dublin Mid-West, Lorraine Hennessy, said that claims by the business lobby and their political advocates that Irish business is  burdened by red tape are a red herring, and she pointed out that Irish business enjoys some of the lowest levels of regulation and highest taxpayer subsidies in the EU.

Lorraine Hennessy (WP)

WP Dublin Mid West Candidate Lorraine Hennessy

“Claims by business groups and their numerous political advocates that Irish business is burdened by red tape are a red herring.  In fact, Irish business enjoys one of the most favourable environments in Europe.”, said Lorraine Hennessy.

“Over €6 billion per annum is handed over to the private sector through grants and direct payments, and Irish businesses also benefit from indirect subsidies such as Europe’s lowest rate of Corporation Tax and one of the lowest employer’s social insurance rates.”

“As if this wasn’t enough, employers are also subsidised through free labour schemes such as JobBridge, which cost the taxpayer €77 million last year and vehemently oppose even the smallest increases in the Minimum Wage.”

“The real question is not what we are doing for Irish business – but what Irish business is doing in return for the massive funds they get from the Irish state every year”

“The substantial subsidies doled out to Irish business generate a very low return in terms of decent jobs.”

“Every Euro spent on an unproductive subsidy is a Euro which could be invested in a programme of sustainable job creation driven by our publicly owned and semi-state enterprises. Instead of spoon-feeding the private sector Ireland should be investing in its people through publicly owned and publicly accountable state and semi-state concerns”, Ms Hennessy concluded