Seamus McDonagh

Seamus McDonagh (WP)

Workers Party Meath East representative Seamus McDonagh has said that Labour Party leader Joan Burton’s attempts to portray differences with Fine Gael in the run up to the general election will cut no ice with voters who have seen the two government parties cemented to one another like limpets over the past five years.

Seamus McDonagh said Joan Burton’s new persona as a defender of public services from Fine Gael privatisers was a preposterous facade from a Minister who had signed up to the final privatisation of Aer Lingus and the ongoing scandal that is Irish Water.

“Joan Burton knows that the writing is on the wall for Labour”, said McDonagh.  “Far from distancing herself from the government’s continuing attacks on public services, the Labour leader merely wants to save Labour seats so that her party can continue in government for another five years implementing the very same policies she now expresses qualms about.”

McDonagh concluded: “Labour’s attempt to portray itself as a bulwark against the worst excesses of Fine Gael is not credible.  In government Labour have often been the most enthusiastic in wielding the knife of austerity and in promoting privatisation. The fingerprints of the Labour Party are all over the abysmal record of the outgoing coalition and no amount of hand-wringing will wash them off”