home-sweet-home-bannerWorkers’ Party Dublin City Councillor Éilis Ryan has slammed the decision by Justice Paul Gilligan not to grant a stay on the eviction order on the occupiers of Apollo House as a callous betrayal of some of the most vulnerable people in Irish society.

Cllr Ryan said: ‘This decision is a callous and cold-hearted one. Combined with Minister Coveney’s backsliding yesterday on the agreement reached with the Apollo House occupiers, it shows the utter disregard that the establishment in this country has for the needs of ordinary people. Finding a place of shelter for homeless people should always take priority over so-called ‘private property rights’.

Cllr. Éilis Ryan

Cllr. Éilis Ryan

Cllr Ryan continued: ‘That Justice Gilligan would describe the continued occupation as ‘an intolerable situation in a democratic state’ beggars belief. What is truly intolerable in this supposed democracy is the idea of forcing people back on to the streets or into dangerous and substandard hostel accommodation while buildings like Apollo House lie empty across the city. No democracy worthy of the name should allow such a situation to continue.’

Cllr. Ryan concluded: “The Workers’ Party calls on Minister Coveney to live up to the deal he struck with the Apollo House occupiers. We stand with the occupiers and residents of Apollo House and offer our full support for their defiance of the court order. We call on all those who believe that access to safe and decent accommodation is a basic human right to show their support and solidarity for the continued occupation of Apollo house.’