The Workers' Party supports the Dunnes workersThe Workers’ Party has thrown its support behind the Mandate trade union and has called for massive public solidarity with the striking workers who are fighting for an end to low-hours and uncertain contracts, for fair pay, a review of Dunnes’ excessive use of temporary contracts and the right to be fully represented by their trade union.

Workers’ Party President Michael Donnelly in particular urged people not to pass the Mandate pickets which will be placed outside 107 Dunnes Stores shops next Thursday, 2nd April.   “This dispute is about vindicating the rights of all workers, particularly young workers in the retail and services sector”, said Mr. Donnelly.

“There has been a relentless shift over the past decade towards unpredictable zero hours contracts, the minimum possible pay rates and denial of trade union representation for workers.  Companies like Dunnes Stores have, as usual, led the way in this race to the bottom.  It has now come to a stage where workers must take a stand or risk losing every right won over a century of trade union struggle.  That is why this strike is so important”, he said.

“The Workers’ Party is 100% behind the Dunnes workers and their union, Mandate and we urge all our members and supporters to show their solidarity to the strikers on Thursday. Their struggle today may be other workers struggle tomorrow and they are taking a stand for the rights of all workers.  That’s why this strike is the concern of all workers”, the Workers’ Party President stated.