The Workers Party has welcomed the judgement in the case of Bernadette Smyth who has been found guilty in Belfast of harassing Marie Stopes clinic director Ms. Dawn Purvis

“Every woman who uses a family planning service, a pregnancy advice service or any other service concerned with her reproductive health and her choices deserves to avail of that service without harassment, intimidation, threats or abuse”, the Party statement said. “That right has been confirmed and upheld by today’s judgement”

“People have right to a point of view, an opinion and an opposing belief, but they don’t have a right to intimidate and harass. In light of this judgement the next logical step is for all those who protest outside the Marie Stopes clinic to desist immediately and allow women to access its services unhindered”, the Party said.

The Workers Party stated that it was the same ultra-conservative forces which continued to stand in the way of a full range of reproductive choices being made available to women in the Republic of Ireland.