
Following the massive national demonstration in Dublin on October 11th in which around 100,000 people took to the streets to voice their outright opposition to water charges and privatisation, follow up protest marches will be held across the state on Saturday, November 1st, organised once again by the Right2Water campaign.

Right2Water.ie is a public campaign by activists, citizens, community groups, political parties/individuals and trade unionists who are calling for the Government to recognise and legislate for access to water as a human right.  The Workers’ Party is one of the political parties which has signed up to support the campaign and has a long record of opposition to water charges and privatisation. We urge all our members and supporters and all who are opposed to water charges to come out in vast numbers to show the government that people will not be intimidated or tricked with some cosmetic changes or a temporary pause on the installation of water meters or on the charge itself.    We support the thousands of communities across the country who are actively opposing the water charges and the installation of water meters.

For more information on the venues for the November 1st demonstrations please visit right2water.ie or check locally.