The Workers Party has responded to the public consultation on the draft budget proposals of a number of Executive Departments.

Follow the links below for comments on the Education, Health and Social Care, Employment & Learning and Culture, Arts and Leisure draft budget proposals.

The Party has also commented on the Executive’s overall funding proposals for 2015 – 16 highlighting the longstanding underfunding of public services, the morally repugnant proposals to lower Corporation Tax and the plight of the many people in Northern Ireland who have yet to experience real social and economic benefits from a devolved Assembly.

See the Party’s full statement here:

Workers Party response to the NI Executive’s Budget Proposals 2015-16

Party responses to the public consultation on draft budgets for Health & Social Care, Employments and Learning, Education and Culture, Arts and Leisure

Workers Party response to the DHSSPS Budget Proposals 2015_16

Workers Party response to DEL Budget Proposals 2015_16

Workers Party response to DENI Budget Proposals 2015_16

Workers Party response to DCAL Budget Proposals 2015_16