Seamus McDonagh

WP Meath representative Seamus McDonagh

Pressure on complaints department must be kept up

Workers’ Party
Meath representative, Séamus McDonagh, has called on RTÉ to reverse its decision to allow racist and classist Katie Hopkins to appear on tonight’s Late Late

McDonagh stated: “The Workers’ Party is calling on RTÉ to pull Katie Hopkins from tonight’s Late Late. If there is any lesson we can learn from Donald Trump’s victory, it’s that prominent figures spouting racist and insulting rhetoric should not be given a platform by the media.

Any person with Hopkins’ record of consistently insulting minorities, people with disabilities and people from “lower-classes” should not be be allowed to propagate their backward ideas on TV and radio. Our Party proudly holds the position of ‘no-platform’ to racists, fascists and bigots who would like nothing more than to bring society back to the dark ages.

We are heartened to see so many people make complaints directly to RTÉ. We call on people to keep-up this pressure, but also for RTÉ to pay heed to these complaints. At a time when far-right populist movements are gaining momentum across the globe, it is imperative that we not let this happen in Ireland.”