O'Devaney Gardens

O’Devaney Gardens

Workers’ Party councillor Éilis Ryan has criticised what she called a ‘u-turn’ by Sinn Féin in accepting an agreement last evening (Wednesday 7th September) between with the Minister for Housing, Simon Coveney, that will see 70% of the public land at O’Devaney Gardens handed over to private developers.

Speaking following the meeting between Coveney and councillors, Cllr. Ryan said: “Sinn Féin voted only six weeks ago for 100% public, mixed income housing on O’Devaney Gardens. For them to now suggest that 30% public housing is a victory, lacks credibility in the extreme.

“It should come as no surprise to Sinn Féin that proposals for proper public housing would be opposed by a Fine Gael Minister. But if the largest party on the City Council isn’t willing to stand up to a right wing Minister and demandlocal democracy is upheld, I’m unclear of what their purpose on the council is.” Cllr. Ryan.

“The Workers’ Party, succesfully passed a motion in July of this year for 100% public, mixed income housing to be built on the O’Devaney Gardens site.  Sinn Féin supported that motion. said Cllr Ryan.

Cllr. Éilis Ryan

Cllr. Éilis Ryan

“It is absolutely clear that our national government views housing as a commodity developers can profit from, and has no intention of seriously tackling the housing crisis in this country. Sinn Féin appear to have decided to follow suit. Their claims to have convinced the Minister to increase the social housing quota on the site to 30% lack credibility. As recently as last Thursday, Minister Coveney expressed possible support for 50% social housing on that site.”

The councillor said she intended to pursue all means available to ensure that her motion passed last July, and which received the backing of a majority of Dublin City Council, is implemented.