Cllr. Tynan

Cllr. Ted Tynan

Workers’ Party Councillor Ted Tynan has said that the news that Irish Water is to take over Cork City Council’s 3,200 commercial water clients this month is the clearest indication yet that the government review of Irish Water is a ruse.

Cllr. Tynan said the move shows that in spite of the temporary suspension of water charges as part of Fine Gael’s agreement with Fianna Fáil and coalition deal with Independent TDs it was “business as usual” as far as Irish Water was concerned and that the company is proceeding at pace with both its metering programme and now with the takeover of commercial water accounts.

“As of this month Cork city’s commercial water clients will be taken over by Irish Water. They will discover to their cost that they can no longer they rely on city councillors to take economic conditions into account when fixing a commercial water rate.  They will be billed by Irish Water who will enforce strict commercial terms with no room for sentimentality for small businesses with cash flow problems”.

Cllr. Tynan said that independent deputies had been completely duped in relation to the future of Irish Water. “They were sold a pup and they are now tied into that deal. It is now clear that the only challenge to the government on Irish Water that matters is the organised campaign of non-payment of water charges on the streets and in communities.”

“A clear message needs to go out to the government including the hoodwinked independent TDs that the campaign against Irish Water and water charges is as strong as ever.  I urge opponents of water charges and privatisation to ensure there is a massive turnout to the Right 2 Water rally in Dublin on 17th September” declared Cllr. Tynan.