The Workers Party of Ireland sends warm greetings to the Lebanese Communist Party on the occasion of its 11th Party Congress which is taking place under the slogan “Towards a Democratic, Secular and Resistant State”. These are difficult and dangerous times for Lebanon and the entire region.

The WPI supports the LCP in its struggle for political, social and economic change in Lebanon, its work with trade unions, women, young people and environmentalists, its demand for an election law based on proportional representation unconstrained by sectarian restrictions and with Lebanon as a single electoral area, its call for civil rights and freedoms and for a democratic system in Lebanon.

Imperialism has a long history of the creation and manipulation of alliances with obscurantist, reactionary forces. The LCP has stood unequivocally against terrorist attacks and attempts to create sectarian strife in the country – attacks which have resulted in death, injury and destruction. The LCP has called for popular unity against terrorism and sectarian division. It has also stood against state violence and repression, including assaults and arrests directed against peaceful protestors.

The LCP has been steadfast in its support for the rights of the Palestinian people, their right to resist occupation and their just struggle to regain their legitimate and inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination.

The Lebanese Communist Party remains to the forefront of the struggle for democratic change in Lebanon. As the Workers Party of Ireland struggles against sectarianism and communalism in Ireland so too the LCP has been to the forefront of the fight for equality and against sectarian division and communal politics in Lebanon.

The Workers Party of Ireland salutes the Lebanese communists in their continuing struggle for democracy and social progress, for equality and workers’ rights and for socialism. We share a common goal.

The Central Executive Committee of the Workers Party of Ireland sends best wishes to the leadership and members of the Lebanese Communist Party on the occasion of this Congress. We wish you continued success in your work and look forward to the further strengthening of relations between our two parties.

With comradely greetings,

Gerry Grainger

International Section

Central Executive Committee

Workers Party of Ireland