Workers’ Party of Ireland

Head Office: 24a-25 Hill Street, Dublin 1, Ireland

To:          The Central Committee,

               Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España

18th December 2015

Dear Comrades,

The Workers’ Party of Ireland sends warm comradely greetings to the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain and extends its best wishes, solidarity and support to the PCPE in the general election taking place in Spain on 20th December 2015. The PCPE is participating in this election on a clear class basis that denounces capitalist exploitation, imperialist barbarity and demands power for the working class.

Earlier this year when Spain sought to celebrate its imperial past while ignoring Spain’s current participation in EU and NATO military exercises, the PCPE correctly debunked this history of subjugation, looting and plunder as an attempt to distract from the current harsh realities facing the working people of Spain, a reality also faced by the working people of Ireland, of unemployment, low wages, precarious work, attacks on social and labour rights as the capitalist class forces workers to pay for the capitalist crisis.

The PCPE identified and exposed the effects of the capitalist and institutional crisis in Spain and has attacked the measures which violently punish working people and their families. The PCPE, opposing at every opportunity the ideological disarmament of the working class, has emphasised the necessity to raise class consciousness, to create the political conditions for the development of the class struggle in Spain, to weaken the bourgeois political system and to advance towards the creation of a political, social and economic system where no one lacks the resources to meet their needs and where exploitation in abolished, through the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of workers’ and people’s power and socialism.

The Workers’ Party of Ireland supports the struggles of the PCPE. We extend our solidarity and best wishes to the PCPE, its militants and supporters and we wish our comrades in the PCPE success in the elections taking place on 20th December 2015.

Si todo lo producimos todo lo decidimos

With sincere comradely greetings,

Gerry Grainger

International Secretary and member of the

Central Executive Committee

Workers’ Party of Ireland