Letter sent from the Workers’ Party of Ireland to the Communist Party, Turkey.

To:          The Central Committee,

               Communist Party, Turkey

28th October 2015

Dear Comrades,

The Workers’ Party of Ireland sends warm comradely greetings to the Communist Party, Turkey, and extends its best wishes, solidarity and support to the Communist Party in the general election to be held on 1st November 2015. The Workers Party recognises that this election takes place in difficult circumstances and in the face of great provocations by the reactionary and repressive AKP regime and its ever-increasing authoritarian measures. These elections take place shortly after the despicable criminal bomb attack that took place in Ankara leading to the death and injury of peaceful demonstrators, one in a series of murderous attacks against mass mobilisations of the people.

The WPI declares its support to the Communist Party which represents the interests of the working class, defends workers’ and people’s rights, opposes misogyny, religious fundamentalism, obscurantism and reaction and which offers the socialist alternative in these elections.

The WPI applauds the principled positions advanced by the Communist Party, Turkey, in the struggle for equality, in providing a clear class based alternative to the failed capitalist system, in its steadfast opposition to imperialism, its commitment to ending the power of the Turkish bourgeoisie, to establishing workers’ power and to building a new socialist Turkey.

The struggle of the Communist Party, Turkey, is also our struggle. We wish our comrades in the Communist Party, Turkey, success in these elections and in its continuing work.

With comradely greetings,

Michael Donnelly,



John Lowry

General Secretary


Gerry Grainger

International Secretary


On behalf of the Central Executive Committee

Workers’ Party of Ireland