The Workers’ Party of Ireland has sent the following message of solidarity to the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) with which we have long-standing fraternal relations.


Dear Comrades,

The Workers’ Party of Ireland sends warm comradely greetings and solidarity to the Communist Party of Greece on the eve of the parliamentary elections in Greece to be held on 20th September 2015.

 This election which takes place in difficult circumstances affords an opportunity for Greek workers, small farmers, the self-employed, pensioners and those afflicted by the ravages of capitalism and further impoverished by the anti-people measures imposed through the third memorandum of SYRIZA-ANEL, supported by New Democracy, PASOK and POTAMI,  to resist these measures and to oppose proposals and supposed “solutions” which are in the interests of the monopolies and the political line of the European Union.

Since the January 2015 elections the KKE has consistently fought with strength and determination against attacks on the Greek people and has emphasised that recent developments are an attempt by the EU and capital to overcome the capitalist economic crisis by creating new avenues for exploitation and the appropriation of the results of labour.

 The KKE, through its concrete analysis and its struggles and mass political work, has demonstrated its unswerving commitment to the interests of the Greek working class and the poor popular strata and provides a clear class based alternative to the failed capitalist system.  A strengthened, steadfast and principled KKE represents a clear class choice which will fortify the working class and the poor, weaken the bourgeois political system and demonstrate a decisive rejection of austerity and the vicious measures imposed against the Greek workers and people.

The Workers’ Party of Ireland salutes the militants and supporters of the KKE and KNE. As we have stated before, the struggle of the KKE is also our struggle. We wish our comrades in the KKE success in the elections taking place on 20th September 2015 and in the continuing struggle to strengthen the resistance of the Greek people; establish workers’-people’s power, for the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of the new socialist-communist society.

Victory to the KKE!

With sincere comradely greetings,

Michael Donnelly,



John Lowry,

General Secretary


Gerry Grainger,

International Secretary


On behalf of the Central Executive Committee

The Workers’ Party of Ireland