The Workers Party has expressed its solidarity with Bus Éireann Workers who are currently on strike following the decision of company management to proceed unilaterally to cut pay and conditions.

Cllr. Ted Tynan has said that it is vital for all workers that the Bus Éireann employees win this dispute as the outcome will set the trend on pay and conditions for the foreseeable future.

The Cork city councillor said: “If the Bus Éireann workers are successful it will send a message to employers and this Thatcherite government that organised workers who stand up for their rights will not be pushed around.”

Cllr. Tynan  has called on drivers who work for private operators  not to engage in strike breaking, saying a victory for the Bus Éireann workers could act as an example to them that by joining a Trade Union they too can enjoy decent pay and working conditions.

He has urged members of the public to boycott any attempt by the company management or the National Transport Authority  to break the strike by bringing in private bus operators on Bus Éireann routes.

Clllr. Tynan also demanded that the government introduce a Sectoral Employment Order for all bus workers to bring an end to this race to the bottom on pay.